What is the difference between a periodical, a journal, a scholarly journal, and a magazine?


Short Answer:

Journals, magazines, and newspapers are types of periodicals (aka Serials). Articles are written in periodicals. A journal is scholarly because the articles are written by experts in a field, usually to share research results. Typically, students are required to find research published in journals, not magazines. Magazines are not considered "scholarly."

More info on the difference between peer review & scholarly is on our Evaluating Sources guide

Long Answer:

The serial items are periodicals, meaning that they are published serially, or periodically, usually on a predictable timetable, for example, monthly or annually. A magazine is often printed with a glossy and colorful cover. They will typically include brief articles and stories that usually do not list an author at their end or beginning. 

A journal typically is not glossy or colorful. They exist for information, not entertainment. Journals clearly list an editorial staff, and they have clear guidelines for submissions. These guidelines typically will state that three copies or more of an article be submitted. This is why they are often called peer reviewed. The articles within tend to be technical, or scholarly. Hence, they are often called scholarly journals. The articles will list an author at the beginning or end, and will give that person’s degree and sometimes even university or professional affiliation. Journals are usually published by universities or professional organizations.  


  • Last Updated Mar 03, 2023
  • Views 111
  • Answered By William Charron

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