Where are the magazines and journals?


When you walk into the Serials Department, you are surrounded by magazines and journals. You may not recognize this fact, however, if you are not aware of the processes we use to store issues of magazines and journals on our shelves. All those items that look like books with various colors of biding are actually what are called “bound magazines” and “bound journals.” Once we get a year’s worth of issues together, we send them off to have them bound this way, so that we can keep them longer. Of course, the unbound versions of journals and magazines will also be found on the shelves, and some will be found in the Browsing Section, which is to your right as you walk in. To get the location or call number of any journal, simply search our catalog, using the search called Periodical Title.

  • Last Updated Nov 28, 2018
  • Views 34
  • Answered By William Charron

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