How to schedule a Literacy Class at the Library?


Ellender Memorial Library offers diverse types of Information Literacy classes. We work with instructors to meet the needs of their course objectives, and we welcome all ideas for incorporating and embedding the library in any course. 

At the most basic level, we offer a walking tour of the library, hosted by one of our librarians. This tour introduces students to the different departments on each of the three floors of the library, and can be geared toward addressing how the resources of these departments will help with specific assignments. In addition, we offer classes that focus on searching our Online Catalog and our Databases

At the more advanced levels, we extend the offer to each professor and instructor to contact us to set up Research Methods (Information Literacy) sessions for specific courses. These sessions are usually best if they are assignment specific, although that is not necessary. In such cases, the reference librarian would spend the entirety of the session concentrating on either the research project at hand or the resources the library offers in a specific subject area. As with the basic sessions, we emphasize hands on live searches, having students actually search the catalog and the databases after being shown how. In a typical 75 min session, there is time to go over the library layout, demo the catalog and one or two databases, and actually have students perform live searches to start on their projects. In a 50 min session, the live searching may be sacrificed, but the demos can be done so that students leave with a theoretical understanding of searching the databases.

To set up a tour or a session, please fill out the Request for Instruction form.

  • Last Updated Mar 03, 2023
  • Views 15
  • Answered By William Charron

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